Editor's Note

We made it.

The long, arduous winter is over, or damn well close enough over, and the travel itch is coming on strong. The trains are rolling through the fields and the buses hum along the highway, rattle the overpass above us. Time to pour coffee cans of water on this pit-fire and move along.

But when you get to where you’re going, I’m hoping there are good friends with good stories to greet you. Stories and poems like those in this issue. It’s a hell of a night’s worth of tales we have here. Some poetry, some fiction, some book reviews. I’m damn proud of every piece and excited that so many people keep submitting week after week even though we’ve stopped putting up winter issues. You guys and gals are amazing.

Most of all, I’m proud to say that this is our FIFTH YEAR at the hobo camp! Time flies, and we’re planning something special later in the year to celebrate. Details coming soon.
In the meanwhile, enjoy the spring issue … and then get out there and enjoy the crisp new day.

I’ll see you down the road…

James H Duncan

PS: I’d also like to thank Descendents “Milo Goes to College” and “I Don’t Wanna Grow Up” for providing the soundtrack to the work that went into posting this today!! 

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The views and opinions expressed throughout belong to the individual artists and may or may not coincide with those of the other artists (or editors) represented within the magazine. Hobo Camp Review supports a free-for-all atmosphere of artistic expression, so enjoy the poetry, fiction, opinions, and artwork within, read with an open mind, and comment wisely. Thanks for stopping by the Camp!