Tom Montag


When we learn to
follow the vibrating
strands into other

universes, will we
still be who we are
now? Will it matter?

The fire consuming us,
will it still burn in them,
those adventurers to

other dimensions. Will
they find what we've been
looking for all this time?

Tom Montag is most recently the author of In This Place: Selected Poems 1982-2013. He is a contributing writer at Verse-Virtual. In 2015 he was the featured poet at Atticus Review (April) and Contemporary American Voices (August) and at year's end received Pushcart Prize nominations from Provo Canyon Review and Blue Heron Review. Other poems will be found at Hamilton Stone Review, The Homestead Review, Little Patuxent Review, Mud Season Review, Poetry Quarterly, Third Wednesday, and elsewhere.

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