Submission Guidelines

Submissions are now closed. Our spring issue will go up in mid-April.

Hobo Camp Review is a quiet, tucked-away place where any poet, artist, or storyteller can rest their weary feet and share their story over a crackling fire. Travelers and transients of all backgrounds and styles are welcomed. Share something with a sense of vagrancy, a little sparkle and a little dust, something that shows your mileage and offers a hint of nostalgia, anything that sounds great by a campfire with a train calling in the distance. Be honest. Be from anywhere. Be going somewhere. Remember what happens in between and tell us all about it. 

Submission Guidelines
  • Please send only one submission per issue. 
  • Please place your work (and bio, if you want) in the body of an email.
  • Send up to three poems and/or one story/essay. Regarding prose: the shorter the better. Flash fiction is ideal. 
  • For art/photos, attach up to five pieces you think might fit the open call.
  • No simultaneous submissions, please. We keep very brief submission periods and we aim to respond to every single one within that period. If we miss you in the night, our apologies. Remind us and we'll take a look ASAP. 
  • Submissions sent outside of open calls posted here will not be read.
  • We are open to previously published work, but we prefer if you give us a new adventure. Please cite the previous publisher.
  • If you appeared in our previous issue, please wait an issue before taking a spot by the fire. We'd like to keep mixing in new voices.
  • We're delighted to accept offers to review your book, but we can't guarantee a review will appear in HCR even if we accept, for a multitude of reasons. Time, taste, and temperament are all factors at play. But we'll try!
  • While there's no regular payment, we try to give out cash awards and prizes when we're able to do so. This happens at irregular intervals and we will include this info in the open call.
  • Please send subs to (we are currently closed!)

Also, find us on Bluesky! We are on Facebook as well but will stop posting updates there by the end of 2025.

Legal Notification: Upon publication in Hobo Camp Review, all rights revert to the author. However, Hobo Camp Review reserves the right to publish your accepted material in any future print version of the review.

If your work was published in Hobo Camp Review first and is republished elsewhere, be it a blog, book, or other magazine, please mention us. That's awful kind of you, and it's kinda rude not to.

All work displayed at Hobo Camp Review is copyrighted by the authors, so don’t get sticky fingers or we’ll turn you in at the next town. We're serious. A hobo with a grudge and a lot of time on their hands isn't something you want to deal with.

Guidelines are subject to change, so check back now and then. Thanks for stopping by the Camp, and we'll see you on the road…


  1. The hobo asks,
    'gotta dime, brudda?'
    Saint Paul sed,
    'No, but what I do have
    is eternal life...'
    (Im like Paul HintHint)

    1. If ya don't get Raptured,
      follow me to Heaven by
      MARTYRDOM - guillotines
      rock: all-over within a split
      second N you're Upstairs.
      Make Your Choice -SAW
      ☆ ☆
      GBY x-tra.
      Cya soon.


The views and opinions expressed throughout belong to the individual artists and may or may not coincide with those of the other artists (or editors) represented within the magazine. Hobo Camp Review supports a free-for-all atmosphere of artistic expression, so enjoy the poetry, fiction, opinions, and artwork within, read with an open mind, and comment wisely. Thanks for stopping by the Camp!