Kevin Ridgeway


For My Brother 

Remember when 

we went to Disneyland 

& everyone thought we 

were German tourists? 

People asked if we 

were from Europe, 

& if we were twins.  

We bought matching 

Mickey Mouse hats 

& had them sew 

false names on them 

at the gift shop exit, 

where a stranger took 

a photograph of us 

standing there in 

a frozen moment 

when we were 

Rufus and Norman 

from Berlin, 

players of roles, 

we’d always 

act naturally, 

knew the secret to 

every magic trick

w/ knowing laughter

& a wearisome mystique

on a stage painted 

the color of 

our shared blood.  

BIO:  Kevin Ridgeway’s latest books are “Invasion of the Shadow People” (Luchador Press) and “A Ludicrous Split 2” (with Gabriel Ricard, Back of the Class Press).  Recent work has appeared in The Paterson Literary Review, Slipstream, Chiron Review, Nerve Cowboy, Main Street Rag, San Pedro River Review and Trailer Park Quarterly, among others.  He lives and writes in Long Beach, CA.  

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